Sales and non-sales related activities

How effective is your sales team? What percentage of their time is invested in sales related activities? A recent survey of Australian Corporations conducted by SFSI indicates that sales teams invest less than 30% of their time in Sales Related Activities. How does your team compare?


Sales related activities are regarded as:

  • Prospecting activities by telephone, door knocking, LinkedIn & Social Media, networking events, trade shows etc.
  • Initial and subsequent visits to prospects to conduct needs analysis and or pitch
  • Additional visits to a prospect to advance a sale through the funnel/pipeline
  • Generating proposals
  • Negotiation activities
  • Processing Orders
  • Follow up calls after the sale to ensure the client is delighted with our product & service offerings
  • Seeking testimonial and writing case studies

Non-Sales Related Activities which are necessary but not conducive to increasing revenue include the following:

  • Poor Time Management which can include travel & transit time
  • Collecting company debts on behalf of accounts departments
  • Delivering goods to the client as a PR exercise
  • Poorly planned meetings where we have a cup of coffee and share the same discussions as last month, and no effort is made to discuss sales growth or relationship management matters
  • Meetings which involve sales team members, and require compulsory attendance which are sometimes not related to sales growth matters
  • Bureaucracy and politics which stifle the efforts of our sales team members.

What is the seat cost of a B2B salesperson?

SFSI has researched seat costs of B2B sales team members and this figure can be a minimum of $99 per hour, hence an expense of almost $4000 per week. This is the reason why we need to ensure that we keep our Sales Team members hovering in sales related matters as opposed to reverse option.

Tracking sales team activities is easy if you are using CRM to its fullest:

Our experience has shown that 20 years ago only 5% of companies had a CRM system, and today we can tell you that up to 95% of companies have CRM and only 5% of these are using CRM to its fullest.

Our recommendations are that all sales teams conduct a review of their sales effectiveness and consider all options to ensure that they break the habits, activities, and bureaucracy that holds them back from having effective selling days.

If you are having issues with sales effectiveness, then feel free to send us an email to arrange a complimentary audit which can demonstrate how much time your sales team can save each week. Email us at or call us on 1300 791 571 !

If you are looking for Sales Training Brisbane, Sales Training Gold Coast, Sales Training Melbourne, Sales Training Adelaide, Sales Training Perth, Sales Training Sydney, then please call us for obligation free discussion about how we can assist to increase your sales and profit. Call 1300 791 571 Now !


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